is a hand-edited directory of high-quality links that has been operating since 2006. They are what is considered a smaller general Web directory considering that they have a total of 283 categories. Their directory is coded using the software script from
DirectoryFire hired a skilled programmer to custom-edit the script from PHPLinkDirectory. Their programmer used a custom Web design with a red and orange color scheme, and a beautiful red and orange logo. Additionally, their programmer added a unique custom-coded feature built in to the site. That feature is a very special total clicks counter which not only displays the click count next to each link description but also includes a grand-tally of all clicks in the bottom right corner of each page.
David Duval, the creator of PHPLinkDirectory mentioned, “We used to include a click counter in our software however site owners would click on their own links over and over in order to drive up the count.” incorporated a system using the browsers cache to remember the number of times a browser clicked on a link, so as to help prevent people from taking advantage like this.
“We also realized the click-counter can be very heavy on our server load so we had to find a better way to summate link clicks,” says Sarah Frankel, founder of DirectoryFire. “Also worth mentioning, our grand-tally in the bottom right corner of each page is so unique, even PHPLinkDirectory never so far developed such a system.”